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Board of Directors

2023-2024 Board of Directors

Officers & Executive Committee

President - Nicholas J. Shaheen

Nicholas J. Shaheen
University of North Carolina, USA

I am a gastroenterologist and professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, and Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at UNC. I specialize in endoscopic treatment of precancerous and cancerous conditions of the esophagus, and am an active clinical researcher in these areas. I am a longstanding member of the ISDE and support its mission. The unique multidisciplinary and international nature of the group provides a perspective not found elsewhere, and leads to enriched and stimulating academic interaction. I have enjoyed serving as a co-chair of the planning committee for our upcoming virtual Congress, and addressing the challenges presented by mounting a meeting in the time of a pandemic.

I have extensive administrative experience, both at my institution and in professional organizations, which make me well-suited for this position. In addition to managing our GI division and the clinical research center here at UNC, I have served as the Director of the American College of Gastroenterology Institute, the research and education arm of the ACG. I have also been a trustee of that organization for the past decade. I also served the American Gastroenterological Association as head of the Clinical Practice section, and a member of AGA Council. I am highly collaborative and believe that the best ideas to engage a professional society usually originate from the membership up, not the leadership down. I am honored to be elected in this position, and will work hard to promote the ISDE in national and international venues.

President-Elect - Lorenzo Ferri

Lorenzo Ferri
Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, QC, Canada

It is an honour to serve on the ISDE Board of Directors as Vice President, a society I have faithfully served since attending my first meeting in Adelaide over 15 years ago. I am an esophageal surgeon at McGill University in Montreal Canada and director of the division of Thoracic and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery at this institution.

In addition to being an active clinician directing the multidisciplinary McGill University Program in Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers, I am a tenured professor and scientist in the Departments of Surgery and Oncology. Through these roles, I have spearheaded numerous initiatives designed to improve outcomes in esophageal surgery and upper GI cancer through carefully coordinated basic, translational, and clinical scientific research.

Over the past 20 years I have been fortunate to have benefited from numerous peer review grants from funding agencies in North America and Europe for my work into the inflammatory basis of cancer progression and metastasis. In 2019, I was a part of an international team of scientists who received a Cancer Research UK Grand Challenge to investigate the stromal drivers underpinning Barrett’s adenocarcinoma progression.

My roles in ISDE include being the program co-chair of the 2020-2021 ISDE World Congress and serving as associate editor of the Disease of the Esophagus journal since 2015. I look forward to contributing and continuing my service to the ISDE as Vice President.

I am honored to be the Vice President of International Society of Disease of the Esophagus. I have been an active member of ISDE since the early 1990s, and have attended all its congresses since. As an esophageal surgeon, I have special affinity for the society, as my career grew parallel with it. My closer association with ISDE commenced when I became an editor of Diseases of the Esophagus in 1999, and associate editor since 2010. I have served as co-chairman of the scientific committee for the ISDE world congress in Vancouver in 2014. Currently I am co-chairman of the Education Committee. I have been actively involved in development of many international initiatives on esophageal surgery, including as member of the Worldwide Esophageal Cancer Collaboration, Esophageal Complication Consensus Group, and working group on Enhanced Recovery after Esophagectomy. Engaging with other societies, I also hold positions, such as Consultant for International Society of Digestive Surgery, National Delegate to the International Surgical Society, Secretary General of the American College of Surgeons (Hong Kong Chapter), Asia II Representative of the Member Services Committee of the Society for Surgeons of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT). In addition I am honorary member of the American Surgical Association as well as European Surgical Association. Residing in Hong Kong, I have extensive network with physicians from the Asia Pacific region, not just in countries traditionally with close association with ISDE (such as Japan), but particularly in China, where growing involvement is evident in recent years. I hope that with my experience in the society, my international involvement, my network, I can continue to serve ISDE and form bridges between East and West. I am humbled by the achievement of the ISDE, and will be honoured to contribute more to the society in the future.

Vice President - Neil Gupta

Neil Gupta

Loyola University Medical CenterUSA

Dr. Gupta has served the ISDE as the co-Editor in Chief of Diseases of the Esophagus since 2016.  He has clinical and research interests in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, malignant and pre-malignant conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, and improving the quality of endoscopy. He has published over 100 papers in peer reviewed medical journals, presented over 200 abstracts at national medical conferences, and written chapters for several medical textbooks.  Dr. Gupta has been very active in multiple gastroenterology medical societies and has served on several committees for the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) and the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE).

Dr. Gupta has served in multiple leadership roles in healthcare including as Regional Vice President of Ambulatory Operations, Chief Medical Officer for Medical Group and Provider Services, and the Regional Director for the Digestive Health Program at Loyola Medicine. He is a graduate of the University of Missouri – Kansas City School of Medicine. During this time, he also obtained a Masters in Public Health from the University of Illinois at Chicago in public health informatics. He completed his internal medicine residency at the University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center and his gastroenterology fellowship at the University of Kansas Medical Center. He then pursued additional training in advanced interventional endoscopy at Washington University in St. Louis.

Past President - Simon Law

Simon Law 

Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, China

I have been an active member of ISDE since the early 1990s, and have attended all its congresses since. As an esophageal surgeon, I have special affinity for the society, as my career grew parallel with it. My closer association with ISDE commenced when I became an editor of Diseases of the Esophagus in 1999, and associate editor since 2010. I have served as co-chairman of the scientific committee for the ISDE world congress in Vancouver in 2014. Currently I am co-chairman of the Education Committee. I have been actively involved in development of many international initiatives on esophageal surgery, including as member of the Worldwide Esophageal Cancer Collaboration, Esophageal Complication Consensus Group, and working group on Enhanced Recovery after Esophagectomy. Engaging with other societies, I also hold positions, such as Consultant for International Society of Digestive Surgery, National Delegate to the International Surgical Society, Secretary General of the American College of Surgeons (Hong Kong Chapter), Asia II Representative of the Member Services Committee of the Society for Surgeons of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT). In addition I am honorary member of the American Surgical Association as well as European Surgical Association. Residing in Hong Kong, I have extensive network with physicians from the Asia Pacific region, not just in countries traditionally with close association with ISDE (such as Japan), but particularly in China, where growing involvement is evident in recent years. I hope that with my experience in the society, my international involvement, my network, I can continue to serve ISDE and form bridges between East and West. I am humbled by the achievement of the ISDE and will be honoured to contribute more to the society in the future.

Secretary - Vani Konda

Vani Konda
Baylor University Medical Center, USA

Vani J.A. Konda, MD is a gastroenterologist with clinical expertise in esophageal diseases including Barrett's esophagus, early esophageal cancer, achalasia, swallowing disorders, eosinophilic esophagitis, reflux, and complex esophageal strictures. She completed her residency and fellowship training and remained on faculty at University of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. Since 2017, she has served as the Medical Director at the Baylor Scott and White Center for Esophageal Diseases at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. Collaborating with other gastroenterologists, surgeons, and otolaryngologists, she has developed a clinical multidisciplinary program for complex benign and malignant disorders of the esophagus. She actively participates in a unique multidisciplinary, translational research program at the Baylor Scott and White Center for Esophageal Research. Her research interests have focused primarily on premalignant lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular Barrett’s esophagus and advanced endoscopic imaging. She has authored over 100 articles, book chapters, and videos. She has been active in the International Society of Diseases of the Esophagus (ISDE) on the Board of Directors and as Communications Committee Co-chair and in the three major national societies, American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), and the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG).

Treasurer - Hideaki Shimada

Hideaki Shimada
Toho University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan

I am professor of the Department of Surgery and Clinical Oncology, of Toho University, Tokyo, Japan. My main clinical work is dedicated to esophageal and gastric cancer surgery. I'm in charge of the guidelines for the treatment of esophageal cancer and gastric cancer. My main research & scientific interests are immunotherapy and biomarkers to improve overall prognosis of cancer patients. I am scheduled to be a president of the Annual congress of Japanese Esophageal Society in September, 2022. I have been a board member and program committee of ISDE. I am very pleased and honored to be given the opportunity to take charge of financial operations as a Treasurer at the ISDE Board. I also want to take full advantage of the opportunities to work to develop international cooperation for the benefit of ISDE and its members.

  • Publications and editorial activities on scientific field are shown below:
  • A total of 560 publications, Total Citation=11305, h-index=54, i10-index=212
  • Editor & Associate editor: Cancer Science, Int J Clin Oncology, Ann Gastroenterological Surgery, Esophagus, Gastric Cancer, Ann Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery, J Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Science, Toho J Medicine
  • Editorial Board: J Gastroenterology, Digestive Surgery, World J Gastroenterology, J Surgical Oncology, Dis Esophagus etc.


Suzanne Gisbertz

Suzanne Gisbertz

Amsterdam University Medical Centers (UMC), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

It is a great honor for me to be a Director of the ISDE Board.  I am currently a consultant upper-GI surgeon and principal investigator at the Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I have been proctoring minimally invasive esophagectomies and gastrectomies at different centers in the Netherlands and abroad. My main research topics are lymph node metastases and extent of lymphadenectomy in esophageal and gastric cancer (e.g. the international TIGER-study), minimally invasive upper GI surgery and postoperative outcome, quality of life following upper GI surgery and surgical techniques (e.g. RCT omentectomy vs omentum preservation in gastrectomy – OMEGA-trial, transhiatal versus transthoracic esophagectomy – national IVORY-study).

Currently, I serve as board member of the Dutch Society for Gastro-Intestinal Surgery (NVGIC) and of the European Society for Diseases of the Esophagus (ESDE). Also, I am a member of the scientific committee of the ESDE/IGCA-joint 2021 congress, the ISDE 2022 world congress, and in the organization of the future ESDE and 2025 IGCC congresses, which will be organized in Amsterdam. Furthermore, I contribute to several other (guideline) committees.

The ISDE is a very important society to me, bringing together disciplines involved in treatment of esophageal diseases from all over the world. This multidisciplinary approach is of great significance. I am an active member since 2013, and have attended all congresses since 2014. I have served on several ISDE committees previously and currently such as the Research & Database Committee; Esodata Membership Bylaws and Budget Subcommittee, the Membership Committee (chair) and the Guidelines Committee.

I am honored to serve as a director on the ISDE board and would make great effort to further develop multidisciplinary and international collaboration in the interests of the international society for diseases of the esophagus.

Wayne Hofstetter

Wayne Hofstetter
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

Wayne L. Hofstetter, M.D., is currently Professor and Deputy Chair in the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and serves as Director of the Esophageal Surgery Program. A graduate of the University of Southern California Medical School, Dr. Hofstetter focused on thoracic surgical disease, completing fellowships in esophageal and foregut surgeries at the University of Southern California, and then thoracic oncology at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Broadly trained as a cardiothoracic surgeon and thoracic oncologist at the Texas Heart Institute, he now devotes a great deal of his work to esophageal cancer and lung cancer. At M. D. Anderson, he formed a strong network of clinicians with specific interests in esophageal diseases. A multidisciplinary group emerged under his able leadership, and together, physicians from other specialties like Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, and Gastroenterology collaborate closely to treat esophageal cancer patients.

Ken Kato

Ken Kato
National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan

I am a medical oncologist and chief of Department of Head and Neck, and Esophageal Medical Oncology, and Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital, 2020-2022, and chief, Biobank Translational Research Support Section, Clinical Research Coordinating Section, Clinical Research Support Office, National Cancer Center Hospital. My primary interest is chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy for oesophageal, esophagogastric, and gastric cancer. I am a group coordinator of the Japan Esophageal Oncology Group of JCOG, the most significant clinical trial group for cancer in Japan.

Our group has conducted clinical trials to develop new chemotherapy for metastatic disease and early oesophageal cancer in multimodality therapy. As a study coordinator, I conducted the randomized phase III trial, which compared the surgery and chemoradiotherapy for clinical stage I oesophageal squamous carcinoma, named JCOG0502, which reported the non-inferiority of chemoradiotherapy to surgery. The randomized phase III trial of neoadjuvant therapy for resectable oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma, named JCOG1109, showed superior survival of triplet-chemotherapy over doublet-chemotherapy. This trial gave a new aspect to neoadjuvant therapy for esophageal cancer.

To develop new drugs, such as immune-checkpoint inhibitors, I committed to the international phase III trial of oesophageal cancer as a steering committee member, for example, ATTRACTION-3 KEYNOTE-590, CheckMate-649, RATIONALE-306, and others. 

I am a director of the Japan Esophageal Society (JES) and am committed to international conferences in Asia and the public relations activity of JES. I am honored to be serving on the ISDE Board of Directors  and I will work hard to promote the ISDE in national and international venues.

Michael Vaezi

Michael Vaezi
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA

The International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus (ISDE) helps disseminate to its membership and beyond important and clinically relevant information about esophageal diseases. ISDE for years has advocated scientific exchange of knowledge relating to esophagus among multidisciplinary specialties. I am honored to have been nominated as a Director in ISDE. I am committed to the mission of the Society in order to advance the practice of gastroenterology and to significantly impact in digestive disease health and outcomes. Over the past years, I have had the privilege to serve at various capacities in different GI organizations and I am currently an associated editor of Gastroenterology. I will provide the requisite support for the missions of the ISDE and provide any insight into improving upon the educational and scientific mission of the Society. My experience (academic position, research, publication, mentoring and interactions with various societies) has given me greater appreciation for the importance of Societal function as well as the future direction of the Society as a whole. I have always sought to enhance the quality of clinical care, education, advocacy and research that impact our ability as gastroenterologists to improve health and prevent disease.

I view the role of the ISDE Director highly important to ensure continued successes in all aspects of ISDE endeavors. I am grateful for being elected and I accept this nomination with humility, sense of pride and commitment to fulfill this important responsibility on behalf of the ISDE. I would work closely with other members to ensure the goals of this society are met and we continue to strive forward in providing significant contributions to our organization. If selected, I will take on this responsibility with enthusiasm, dedication and humility. I have the requisite time to fully commit to this position and would welcome the opportunity. My commitment and service to the ISDE will continue to be strong and I look forward to my continued stewardship on behalf of patients, members and the ISDE.

Richard Van Hillegersberg (ESDE)

Richard Van Hillegersberg
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Richard van Hillegersberg attended medical school in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In 1993 he received his PhD with honor at the Department of Surgery, Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. From 1994-2000, he was trained in General Surgery in Rotterdam. From 2001-2002 he was fellow of Surgical Oncology in the Academic Medical Center and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Netherlands Cancer Center Amsterdam. Since 2003 he is appointed as staff surgeon at the University Medical Center Utrecht. From 2009 he is a full professor of gastrointestinal oncology. Research is focused on Upper GI minimally invasive and robotic surgery, surgical imaging and genetic profiling. He has authored over 15 chapters in textbooks concerning robotic forgut surgery and over 500 articles in international peer-reviewed journals. From 2018 he is chairman of the Educational committee of the European Society for Diseases for the Esophagus (ESDE) and member of the education committee of ISDE, he is associate editor of Diseases of the Esophagus and Digestive Surgery, founder and chairman of the Upper GI International Robotic Association (UGIRA).

Long-Qi Chen (CSDE)

Long-Qi Chen
West China Hospital, China

Being an active member of ISDE since 1994, I attended most of the ISDE conferences since 1998. It was a significant experience for me to witness the growing and strengthening of ISDE, now to be the most representative and impacted societies in the world. As for China, I founded Chinese Society for Diseases of the Esophagus (CSDE) in 2015 in order to improve the current unsatisfactory quality of medical care. The Society is focused on improving the medical service quality by enhancing medical education and training, bridging international collaboration and coordinate clinical studies.

As one of the 2 affiliated societies to ISDE, CSDE represents a combined initiative amongst Chinese surgeons, physicians, pathologists and scientists to study esophageal diseases. Later on, we promoted over 120 abstracts submission and 90 attendees to ISDE 2016 in Singapore. It would be the similar expectation for ISDE 2018 in Vienna. What’s more, the “CSDE Annual Working Conference 2020 ” was successfully held in Shenzhen, China. It brought together multiple specialties focused on the clinical management and research of patients with esophageal diseases. Since its inception, CSDE has been playing as an excellent platform for the academic exchange of clinical and scientific knowledge on the latest developments.

I am willing to initiate or chair some task forces assigned by ISDE, already with experience with being enrolled in the WECC task force to define the 7th and 8th edition of TNM staging for esophageal cancer. I am keeping communication and also serving in other local relevant societies in China like Esophageal Cancer Committee, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (CACA), and Esophageal Expertise Committee, Chinese Association for Thoracic Surgeons (CATS).

Sravanthi Pasarsa

Sravanthi Parasa 

Swedish Medical Group

United States

Dr. Sravanthi Parasa is a Gastroenterologist and Clinical Researcher at the Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, specializing in esophageal disorders. With over two decades of experience in the healthcare sector, she utilizes advanced technologies to enhance clinical care. She has a background in Epidemiology and Biostatistics with a focus on clinical study design.

Engaging in progressive research, Dr. Parasa is at the forefront of incorporating technology in healthcare, particularly emphasizing the application of AI. An active member of GI society committees and various engineering, and computer science program committees, she frequently shares her insights at conferences, discussing the translation of digital solutions into patient care. Through collaborations with globally recognized institutions, she has published numerous papers and guidelines, particularly focusing on high-fidelity risk prediction models, NLP and computer vision in medicine. She is committed to enhancing patient care through meaningful applications of machine learning, a passion reflected in her research that explores the interface of epidemiology, biostatistics, and artificial intelligence.

Her efforts foster the development of the next generation of esophagologists, equipping them with the skills to handle the multidisciplinary and global challenges of modern healthcare, underscored by technology and innovation.

Seiichiro Abe

Seiichiro Abe
National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan

Dr. Seiichiro Abe M.D., Ph.D., FASGE graduated from Sapporo Medical University in 2002. He completed his short-term and chief residency training at Endoscopy Division, National Cancer Center Tokyo, Japan. He is now working as an attending endoscopist there.

Dr. Abe specializes in the endoscopic diagnosis of early gastrointestinal cancer in addition to advanced endoscopic therapy, including endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for esophageal, gastric, and colorectal cancers. His role at National Cancer Centre involves managing patients both in the outpatient and in-patient setting in addition to being an attending doctor in the endoscopy center performing many complex EMR/ ESD procedures.

Dr. Abe is an international educator in advanced endoscopy. In addition to training Japanese endoscopy trainees, he also teaches advanced endoscopic techniques to overseas endoscopists through international hands-on training and live demonstration. Furthermore, he is a Fellow of the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (FASGE), Fellow of Japan Society of Gastroenterological Endoscopy, Co-Editor for Endoscopy International Open, and Associate Editor for Frontier of Gastroenterology. He is a member of the international editorial board in Endoscopy and VideoGIE performing many peer reviews. In addition, American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy recognized him as the most awarded reviewer in 2020, having 7 awards in the past 4 years.

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